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Emotional Suffering

Beautiful Suffering is the title of the editorial these two photographs were taken from.

Perhaps she is a Catholic school girl suffering from a sense of shame and guilt?

Perhaps not. This looks more like triumph than suffering.

Victoria S (Elite) photographed by Waldemar Hansson for Kurv Magazine.

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Posted in Photographs of Women.

Mona the Cowgirl

Mona Johannesson at the ranch. Photographed by Jimmy Backius. For Fashion Tale.

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Laura, A Ballerina

Lara Swieciki as a very appealing young ballerina.

A sampling of those shot by photographer Pierre Dal Corso.

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Top Ten Topless Torsos

Gala : America’s Greatest Array of Glamour offered America’s Top Ten Topless Torsos for readers inspection. The main criterion was surely size.

Wonder what was up with that nudist queen.

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Posted in Men's Magazines.

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Sex With Fat Men Lasts Longer

Turkish researchers report:

… Men with excess body fat last longer in bed. In fact, heavier men were able to make love for an average of 7.3 minutes, while slender men could count themselves lucky if they held on for a mere 108 seconds.

The reason? Female hormones. Men with excess fat showed higher levels of the female estradiol sex hormone. This substance apparently disrupted their bodies’ natural “male” neurotransmitter chemicals and slowed their progression towards orgasm. Ironically, the less masculine their bodies appeared, the better lovers they proved to be.

Salon, Study shows that fatter men last longer in bed. Should Americans rejoice?

Your fat lover may last longer in bed but less long in your life. This is also based on Body Mass Index, which isn’t as useful as you’d think.

But 108 seconds! Given the enormous amoung of fretting, marketing, competition that surrounds sexual fulfillment is less than two minutes the longest most men can last when making love? Why bother?

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Martina Valkova

Martina Valkova photographed by Marcus Ohlsson for Tush 21.

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Red Headed Cowgirl

The Old West wasn’t like this. Sadly.

Tiah Eckhardt photographed by Elvis Di Fazio.

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On the Beach at Waikiki

The Big Ben Haiwaiian Band may have hoped the cover would get tourists to buy an LP to take home.

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Posted in Vinyl LP Covers.

Men! Red Makes You Sexy!

Will Sales of Red Clothing Soar?

Research by one Andrew Elliot at the University of Rochester suggest that men should wear clothing to heighten their sexual attractiveness.

Primates can do this without clothing:

“In chimpanzees, the highest-ranking male turns more red quite dramatically during a competition for primacy,” he explained. “It’s a clear status indicator. Females view that, and they go out of their way to mate with the highest ranking male available.”

It is the chimp’s buttocks that redden.

Women find men in red more appealing?

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Men Dancing : What Women Find Sexy

Psychobiology of Dancing

British evolutionary psychologists have been studying how a man’s style of dancing affects his sexual desirability.

“What we’ve done for the very first time is put those things together with a biometric analysis so we can actually calculate very precisely the kinds of movements people focus on and associate them with women’s ratings of male dancers.”

Reportedly women are most aware of a man’s upper body.

Surly sexy dancing is graceful and confident instead of clumsy or grandstanding.

Good dancing may be sign of male health, scientists say

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Aoursing and alluring photographs of fashion model Suki Alice.

Photographed by Kate Bellm for Fleet Ilya.

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Pretty Bo

Fashion model Bo Don.

Photographed Johan Sandberg for the September issue of Marie Claire Italia.

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Britney in Sunlight

Beautiful blond Britney Nola photographed by Jonathan Leder.

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Loretta Sanchez’s Lunch with Hugh Hefner

NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain is part of some incredibly silly Twitter political gossiping.

… Spain today said, “With all due respect to Hef, dodging debates with her opponent, and ignoring constituents’ concerns does not constitute ‘taking care of business.’ This is the problem with Washington politicians, they think that being a member of Congress entitles them to star in their own personal version of Entourage at the expense of the voters. In the meantime, California remains on the brink of economic and fiscal disaster.”

All of this was prompted when Republicans learned that California Rep. Loretta Sanchez was going to have a lunch with Playboy’s Hugh Hefner.

This isn’t the first Playboy Mansion visit to give Sanchez headaches. In 2000, she lost her speaking role at the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles because she refused to put a stop to a Playboy fundraiser she had organized at the mansion. Under pressure, she eventually moved it to a less controversial location.

Playboy’s Hefner Spars With GOP Over Rep. Sanchez Lunch at Mansion

This sort of childish gossiping of course is part of what makes America the Greatest Country in the History of the World.

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Flirting for Success

Office Sexual Politics

A male executive sent a female employee saying he liked her choice in footwear. Did she sue him for sexual harrassment? No. But she did use his expressed preference for her own profit.

The partner was a decision-maker in the company and a good person to have on her side. From that day on, whenever she had a presentation and knew he’d be in the room, she paid special attention to her footwear — never flats, always stilettos that added another four inches to her already-striking height of 5’8″. “Flirting? I call it efficiency,” she says.

Flirting your way to the corner office

Aside from issues of sexism you may object that this favors the attractive man or woman. That favoritism is built into life. I’ve caught myself giving a pretty boy service that I’d not provided to a plain one.

Physical beauty is a superpower.

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EroSexual on Twitter

Erotic & Sexual Twitter Feed

I’m moving EroSexal’s Twitter feed as that as the feeds for two other sexuality blogs and my atheist site to a feed separate from the others. If you like you can follow EroSexual on Twitter.

There’s also my Kinky Twitter Feed.

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World’s Most Expensive Sex Toy?

In Italy a guy missed his former girlfriend so badly that he paid over eighteen-thousand dollars to have a sex doll simulacrum of her manufactured.

“She was a smiling blonde girl but he wanted bigger boobs and a curvier backside,” [adult toymaker Diego] Bortolin said. “Our normal dolls are very realistic and everything works just like the real thing.

Man recreates ex as sex doll

Bigger breasts? A sentimental touch? Well look how much money the man was spending.

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Sex Control

With the emphasis on impotence or lasting longer it is easy to forget that many man’s sexual malady is premature ejaculation. Since last does provide an orgasm is may be less shaming than impotence and less likely to be the subject of spam.

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Supermodel Biker Chicks

Fashion models Masha Rudenko and Nadiya Chenko in a sequence reminiscent of Easy Rider. Photographed by Jason Lee Parry.

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Asian Girl Studying

You probably don’t see women studying this way at your local college or university library.

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Art of Disrobement

When I first saw this sequence of images the first thing that came to my mind was an old vinyl LP entitled How to Strip for Your Husband. These pictures are much more sensual and lovely than the old album cover.

Nathalia K. beautifully photographed by Sigurd GrÜnberger.

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Dark Iris

Norishly erotic images of Iris Strubegger. Photographed by Peter Lindbergh for Numéro 116.

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Topless Telephone Conversation

Is this young woman a phone sex operator or just talking with a pal. And what kind of books does she read?

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Patrycja in Pink

A sampling of images of Patrycja Pawlowska for 180 Magazine. A sweet, soft and lightly erotic sequence photographed by Michal Greg,

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Posted in Fashion Models.

Girl with Kitten

Model Sue Owens with a little friend.

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